Friday, August 20, 2010

Mark Cuban

WHO AM I: Entrepreneur

Hey, go get your Mavs merchandise NOW! You buy stuff, I get richer, I buy new players and fire the queens in charge.


Monday, August 16, 2010

LeBron James

WHO AM I: Basketball player

Hey, Cavvies! Stop calling me at crazy hours! I’ve changed my number like a million times, but still some punk manages to call me up when I’m in the middle of something. Someone, more specifically. I’ve got recordings of all those calls, and the day I find you assholes, I WILL kill you.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

From the Admin Desk: Week 8

Okay, so we started a blog, put up a couple of great posts, and then disappeared to Mars. Well, not literally, but it sure does feel like it. We could come up with a couple of brilliant excuses: (a) We're busy (b) We're really busy (c) Dude, you don't know what busy means unless you've met us. But in all honesty, that may not be accurate. Sure, the last few months have been crazy, but we could have taken out five minutes a day to unleash all that pent-up snark. Well, we did unleash the snark, but just not creatively enough (we did stale things like shout at everyone else). So, we are going to try and devote half an hour every day to doing something we love: being ourselves. We can't promise to be regular, but we're sure going to try as hard as hell.

So let Real Celeb Fake Speak: The Redux begin.
